Saturday, January 05, 2013

New Year letter

Hi all,
Happy new year, hope you all had a festive Christmas.
We have had an interesting year here in Melbourne. Gemma started her new school in Jan, grade 5 at Minimbah. She has settled in well, apart from a few friendship fracas- these are important lessons we all need to learn! Her school work is going well and the peaceful setting is really helping her concentrate, she scored considerably better in her tests than last year. Fingers are still crossed… Outside school Gemma does the most of all of us; Riding, drama and guides being the main things. The TV always scores highly on her ‘best things to do’ list.
Fraser has completed grade 9 this year and is becoming a real man- soon to be taller than Pete! He has taken up piano at school and prefers the Jazz style pieces which he likes to play whilst wearing one of his trilby hats. Minecraft is still popular with worldwide domination games like Civ5 also getting a lot of airtime. He has also become a socialist- much dinner table discussion and argument! Both children are forced to play tennis with Pete and I regularly- after all, we do have the staff for mixed doubles!
Pete has had a busy year at the poker tables - winning a couple of times and qualifying for the state final, where he finished 4th. His virtual cycle around Australia continues, although it has stalled a bit- he has been in Darwin for ages… Must be hot. He has also taken up veggie gardening, the main successes were- strawberries, leaks, tomatoes, radish, and carrots! Look out, here come the Zucchinis!
I have been working from home for a gas company drawing pipes and stuff- easy to fit in around the odd school assembly or sports day. The choir has had a big year. Travelling to Canberra for the National Convention in May- we came 4th in our size category. We also recorded for a local radio station and made a Christmas CD- Boy, was I glad when Dec 26th came around, I had been singing the same songs since August! Looking forward to a change when we rehearse again in Feb. I have had my monies worth from the medical system this year- operation in Jan to remove a rotten wisdom tooth bedded in my jaw. March, a spider bite, and had to have antibiotics in my bottom, then, after blood tests find I have a thyroid problem- fortunately ‘cured’ by a tablet each day. The doctor recognises me now! I am feeling much better and ready to face the next challenge…