Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Concert season

Here is Fraser ready to play his flute at the school concert. Pirates of the Caribbean and something by Queen. (Fraser can't remember what.)
Christmas carols with the Aussie youth choir. Fraser's last performance with them- his voice has changed!

Keith Bobbinson turns his hand to parrot training.

Here are the Lorikeets enjoying stage one of the bird table construction experiment.

Really, really heavy rain

Patio still not finished when- heavy rain fell. The garage flooded causing remedial works on the drainage channel around the garage.
All survived well- just a few damp things in the garage. We were pretty lucky compared to many.
Here is Gemma checking out the storm.

Patio construction

What a fine bunch of hard working dudes.
After 10 years of fake grass we decided to put down pavers in the back garden. As Grandad would say- it's a job in the town.

Here is Fraser showing how the front door still works and now looks out onto a fancy step.

Are girl guides cool?

You decide.

Gemma is 11!

Gemma's birthday.
The traditional early morning present opening.
Birthday cake at Grandma's- after tea at McDonalds.
The birthday girl/boy always choses their birthday tea...

Horse riding at Tranquil Park

Gemma has recently taken up horse riding. Here she is on Polly in the Arena. Later she had a party there- Princess and Polly were dressed up for the occasion.